ftdi ft232rl micro usb rs232 cable for tablet serial cable
Model No: YT-MUD01
ftdi ft232rl micro usb rs232 cable for tablet serial cable
Product Description:
This Utech Micro-USB is used to connect a wide variety of smaller devices, such as digital cameras, smartphones, and tablets. RS232 is a standard used for many computer serial connections.
These cables provide interface functionality between Android platform Micro-USB and RS232, thereby increasing your devices’ versatility and flexibility, enhancing your system’s overall technical and economic efficiency.
Futhermore, this particular cable has a single Micro-USB connector leading to an RS232 connectors for data transfer and a USB connector for power, the power is to charge your Android platform mobile device while you’re transferring data, saving you time, space, and money. Using these cables, you can enjoy high-fidelity and high-speed data transfer rates that only superior cables can deliver.
Product Features:
1. Does not require OTG function on mobile device for compatibility.
2. Provides power source (USB-A Male) to charge the Android based device.
3. Supports baud from 300 to 921600bps.
4. Compatible with Android based mobile devices supporting Android Open Accessory Mode .
5. Basic UART interface with RXD, TXD, RTS, CTS pins option.
6. Single chip USB to selectable interface.
7. Entire USB protocol handled on a single chip.
1. Connecting between an Android based Mobiles and computer.
2.Connecting between Micro-USB devices and RS232 capable computer.
3. Connecting between an Android based mobile device to a RS232 capable computer while charging your mobile device.