FTDI Chipset USB DMX512 RS485 cable with XLR 3P or XLR5P
Model No: YT-URS485-XLR01
FTDI Chipset USB DMX512 RS485 cable with XLR 3P or XLR5P
Product Description:
The USB-485-XLR cable is a USB to RS485 levels serial UART converter cable incorporating FTDI’s chip USB to serial UART interface IC device which handles all the USB signalling and protocols.
The cable provides a fast, simple way to connect devices with a RS485 interface to USB and in addition, it is USB powered and USB 2.0 full speed compatible and supports a data transfer rate up to 3 Mbaud.
Product Features:
1. USB-RS485 converter cable provides a USB to RS485 serial interface with XLR end connector.
2. Entire USB to RS485 translation protocol handled by the electronics over-molded in the cable.
3. Overmolded FT232R chipset provides single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface. Works with all Windows and Mac OS versions.
4. UART interface support for 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits and odd / even / mark / space / no parity.
5. Internal EEPROM with user writeable area.
6. Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud.
7. Visual indication of Tx and Rx traffic via LEDs in the transparent USB connector.
8. Extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C).
9. Electronics available as separate PCB.